
We will not forget Abducted girls Says: Okonjo-Iweala

The Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Thursday promised that the Federal Government will not relent in its efforts to rescue the abducted schoolgirls.
The minister said this in Ilorin, Kwara State, at the launch of oil palm plantation and distribution of personal computer tablets to fresh students of the University of Ilorin.
She said, “I want to start this occasion by telling that we should take one minute to recognize a group of young women for whom we are saddened and waiting, our young girls from Chibok. Can you stand up for just one minute please?

“We promised that we would not forget them and we will not. The reasons that I wanted to mention them is because when we speak about what happened to them we feel sad. But when we enter this hall with all you, with your energy, your president of the Student Union said your campaign of positivity. This is a wonderful thing to feel in this country and you have given me hope. “
On the computer tablets she added: “The handing out of the PC. This links you to the world. Nigeria has one of the highest population of young people with mobile phone. We have the third fastest growing country for demand of mobile phones. We have 128 million mobile phone subscribers in this country.
“Owning this tablet puts a great responsibility on you. Yes, it connects you to the world, but it should connect you to the world to improve your learning. Not to use the tablet for other activities that do not add value.
“I want to urge you to consider the PC that you are receiving, the tablet, an instrument for growth and I know that with the quality of the students we have here today, this is what we are going to see.
“The second is the launching of the palm plantation. This is wonderful feat. This would be used for learning, forestry, agriculture, even the beautification of the campus and above all to generate a steady income for the university.”

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