
Checkout The "Treasured" Mobile Central Command Post Used By Nigerian Army

The Eagle Mobile Central Command Post is a vehicle mounted with various Information Communication and Technology equipment. This on board equipment gives the Theatre Commander the opportunity to have first hand information of the battle space. From the vehicle the commander has access to both ground troops and air assets within the battle space.
The Eagle Mobile Central Command Post was borne out of the necessity to further support the war against terrorism and insurgency in the country. As earlier mentioned, it is a mobile Central Command Post that is designed to link up with the troops in the field, as well as the command hierarchy.
With this, the President, Commander-in-Chief, Minister of Defence, Chief of Defence Staff and the Service Chiefs can have real time contact with the troops in the field. Added to this, the Eagle Mobile Central Command Post affords close monitoring of the activities of the troops and passage of real time information from strategic level to operational and tactical levels. 
Furthermore, the platform affords the Chief of Air Staff on the move to have a look at the performance of surveillance or reconnaissance aircrafts. 
The project is designed as constructed by Major General C T Olukoju of the Nigerian Army.

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