
Have Mimi Faust and Nikko Called It Quits?

                                Mimi Faust and Nikko on New Years 2014
Last night’s episode of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta was a pretty emotional one for star Mimi Faust, whosuffered the loss of her father (and only surviving parent).

 Mimi met with bestie Ariane Davis and told her that it seemed like her boyfriend (and sex tape partner) Nikko was the only one she could trust, but from the look of next week’s episode, Mimi is hit with yet some more shocking news: thatNikko is possibly a married man. continue.....
Now we have yet to learn the specifics of Nikko’s rumored marriage, but fans took to Twitter to get the dish about Mimi trusting Nikko, and guys, Mimi’s response gave the impression that not only was she done trusting him, she was done with him in general.
“Presently I'm learning to trust myself before trusting another man,” Mimi tweeted.
Could it be? Did Mimi finally come to her senses (like the rest of us) and decide to move on from Nikko? We can’t really be sure. Though Nikko has been pretty absent from Mimi’s social media pages, Mimi posed with Nikko for a photo as recently as two weeks ago, days after the reunion show taping-turned-brawl.
Hopefully we’ll get to the bottom of Mimi and Nikko’s relationship on Monday’s episode of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta and see if the couple move past it together or apart.
Do you think Mimi Faust should ditch Nikko if she hasn’t already? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
Source: Mimi Faust on Twitter, Nikko on Instagram

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