
Bad leadership: Will Nigerians ever say enough?

Nigeria is in a sorry state, a condition that makes mockery of the toil of her foremost nationalists that had lofty dreams about her great but mismanaged potentials. And Nigerians of the younger generation have, inescapably, fallen victim to this avoidable leadership gaffe. Nigeria is at this sorry pass because at every decisive juncture, its leadership had always failed Nigerians. 

Such bad leaderships truly did not emanate from the free will of the people but obviously foisted on them by the elite political class. It would not be hyperbolic to state that leadership is the most critical challenge of the nation’s civilization – apologies to Brian Tracy, the world renowned management/leadership expert.

It is trite in all human cum societal affairs that desires dictate our priorities while priorities shape choices. However, it is the latter that determine human/societal actions. And what is affecting the country today is sentimental leadership desires over national needs/expectations. What we term as national priorities in the country is nothing but largely the parochial desires of the few in power that later manifest in detrimental official policies/actions which invariably, have sadly failed to stand the test of time. This trend has routinely crept into the national psyche to the extent that rather than see leadership as a privilege to better the lives of others, the few in the corridors of power see it as an opportunity to satisfy personal/class greed. That is why in the real sense of the word, it has been really difficult to have genuine heroes amongst past leaders in the nation because heroes are made by the paths they choose and not through the powers they wield which are usually abused during their tenures in office.
This leadership in the euphoria of savouring power easily forgets that the secret of success for men in power is to always endeavour to take the right collectively impacting steps/decisions by learning from the mistakes of the past. Historically nonetheless, men of power especially in Africa, nay Nigeria, hardly take rational decisions while in power because they get surrounded by bootlickers who, because of survival, hardly bother to tell them the truth. The fears of losing out in the bitter corridors of power-game turn aides of position wielders into ‘Yes men.’ However, most power wielders ignore, while their tenures subsist, the wisdom in Mahatma Ghandi’s historic statement: “A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.” This is why very few men are clever enough to know the tomfoolery they do while in office. We have several of such men masquerading as champions of democracy in the country’s political turfs today and Olusegun Obasanjo is one of them. Ibrahim Babangida and Yakubu Gowon are just two others. They mismanaged their goodwill while in power and outside office, they remain irritants to the country’s democracy through the giving of unsolicited and badly belated counsels.
For example, Obasanjo, a former president of eight worthless years reportedly went to Jigawa state recently where he declared Governor Sule Lamido fit to rule the country come 2015. He reportedly declared: “Going by Lamido’s background, performance and credibility, his competent and exposure, he can stand shoulder to shoulder with anybody in the country…if it is the wish of the people, it is okay. He did not tell me he was vying for the post, but being the wish of the people, let’s wait and see. Based on his track record, would you say he is not competent?’’ The issue is not about the person or eligibility of Lamido for the job but more about the widely despised promoter of his yet-to-be-made public interest in running for the presidency come 2015. How can Obasanjo be talking about the wish of the people when he is the numero uno leader renowned for subverting the wish of the people of this country at any opportune time?
There is no doubt that he wants to use Lamido’s candidacy to fly his trademark ignoble kite. An introspection: After Obasanjo’s eight hollow years in power and the failure of his abominable tenure elongation agenda, he foisted an ailing candidate in Umaru YarÁdua on the nation-against the wish of the people since the election that brought that late president to power-organised by Obasanjo-was adjudged to be one of the worst in the annals of the nation’s electoral history. To satisfy his greedy desires and more importantly as a mark of punishment on the nation for rejecting his Third Term agenda through the national assembly, he saddled YarÁdua with an inept deputy in the current Dr Goodluck Jonathan, the incumbent president. Today, the rest is history!
Again, Obasanjo reportedly spoke on a BBC programme, Focus on Africa, where he advocated the deployment of carrot and stick approach in solving the Boko Haram debacle. His reason was because President Jonathan “is overwhelmed” by the Boko Haram insurgency. He also reportedly disclosed that his self(ish) 2011 fact-finding mission when Boko Haram insurgency became uncontrollable unveiled that the sect has a lawyer and even quoted what the lawyer told him to wit: ‘Mr President, if you want to meet their leaders, give me three hours. I will gather their leaders, not in Nigeria but outside Nigeria.’’ This, according to him, necessitated his conclusion that the sect has leaders and one reported source recently claimed that Obasanjo has a list of leaders of the sect. What then has he done with the list of leaders that the sect’s lawyer ostensibly availed him of? Being a government he installed without input from Nigerians, has Obasanjo ever bothered to discuss this issue with the protégé president for him to come forth with the way forward? Does he want the northeast region to go up in flames before brandishing the list for the whole world to see and for the media to have something to feast on?
With the degree of misrule, coupled with selfish and bad decisions that Obasanjo inflicted on the nation, this column does not think that his fanciful endorsement of Lamido should be taken seriously by millions of Nigerian victims of his eight grueling years of misgovernance and tyranny that produced the incumbent president. Whatever misgovernance Jonathan might be inflicting on the nation today is a direct consequence of Obasanjo’s mischievous misplacement of priority because of his selfish interest. The time has come for Nigerians to stand up and say enough is enough to bad leadership and selfish counsels from disgruntled past rulers capitalising on the madness of the moment to launch themselves back to national reckoning. Even if Nigerians do not know those who would guide them out of socio-economic and political troubled waters, they should at least know those who would not and these include Obasanjo and Babangida. Enough is enough of bad leadership!

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